Wednesday, August 24, 2005

August 22: Breakfast of Champions

As it turns out, the Drakesbad breakfast was everything we had hoped (and dreamed) it would be -- cereals, fresh fruit, yogurt, cheese, fresh baked goods (oh, the scones), eggs and hash browns, hot, dark coffee. It was a fabulous feast and all for $4.50.

We lounged about and digested until 10:00 or so before setting out again with Shade. We all camped together last night, sharing a big tent which some random woman we had passed on the trail offered up for us to use while she and her daughter were away from their car-camping site for a few days. Today, bellies full (very) and legs rested (barely), we passed through the southernmost part of Lassen National Park, stopping to gawk at bubbling, sulfurous, mud pots and a steaming fumarole (The Terminal Geyser, our first side trip off the trail all summer!) on the way. The terrain was unimpressive for the most part and Eliza and I both felt a bit humdrum.

The afternoon was passing generally, normally, and uneventfully when we crossed Hwy 36 and were awakened from our sleepwalking by the unmistakeable sight of a cache of thru-hiker Bud Lights waiting for us in a styrofoam cooler by the side of the trail. We halted the march and raised a toast and even got so carried away as to hatch our game plan for the next week. The new plan is to race over the next 180 miles in six days, arriving at Pooh Corner, a trail angel's abode near I-80 at Donner Pass, then have a morning off before doing the 61 miles to South Lake Tahoe, from where we should be able to easily and directly hitch-hike into Davis or San Francisco on the afternoon of Thursday, September 1.

We are torn over it, as we are both feeling pretty beat lately and the prospect of six consecutive 30s in and of itself is enough to kill even the best trail magic buzz, but I think we'll start with tomorrow and see where we're at come nightfall. One day at a time . . .

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