Friday, May 20, 2005

May 18:

Gorgeous hiking today, under cover of Black Oak and Incense Cedar, various pines -- lots of shade. The ravens were riotous and loud. I've never heard such a racket in the woods in the middle of the day. Such choruses are usually restful and muted until select moments at the opening and closing of each day.

We were having a blast just walking today. Occasionaly we'd pick up an old thread, pose a follow-up question to an earlier, previously suspended conversation. For the most part we just swept onward, keeping a good 3-mph clip. We are hitting our stride well, as are most of the other hikers we've been seeing, getting in our 20-mile baseline easily by 5:00, pushing on for a few more to finish the day usualy at 21 or 22, with time to spare for journaling, cooking, reading.

We caught up with Duck and Swift, as well as the Khaki Crew, and camped at Mattox Creek (mile 25.5 for us). Kickstep burned by us early on, pumped up from a successful climb and descent of Mt Baden Powell. He apparently is trying to make Agua Dulce tonight, pulling a miraculous 42-mile day. He is a hilarious guy. Koala and I both really like him and his gruff, buffoonish, macho manner.

Tomorrow, we'll all make Agua Dulce and the Saufley's Hiker Heaven, the famous PCT milestone, hikers' paradise, where people have spent weeks off-trail. We are hoping to spend some time, and even catch a ride into LA if possible. Our schedule shows that we have a little extra time on our hands and I have an old friend who lives in Los Feliz. We just hope that our arrival in Hiker Heaven doesn't mark the end of our time spent with the other ten hikers in our loose cohort.

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